Having sifted through the shards of Teflon Tony's ' 'victory', TT can now thankfully turn our attention to more substantive issues.
We will confess, a series of superfluous and annoyingly peripheral matters have distracted us. We have endured months of the Terry Schiavo Persistive Legislative State, a papal medical drama (he's breathing on his own...oops, he isn't breathing on his own), the 'election' of a new CEO for the Catholic Church (sorry folks but we aren't likely to get any more comfortable with scenes of adoring throngs cheering some German guy on a balcony..) and Tony's Last Stand. At last we are free to return to the important stuff. But what stuff?
Usually the Royals offer some Butler Chatter or Toe Sucking Duchess but Chuck is off at some Romanian monestary (hmmm. after only a month of marriage?). The best the Royals have been able to do in recent days is a 'scandal' involving accusations of Prince Harry cheating while at Eton(sniff! we have higher standards for scandal!). Anyway, isn't a Royal cheating a given? Harry, swastika armband back in the closet, is accused by a teacher (fired) of having cheated on his art course. Huh? Puleeeze. Cheating on an art course?Geometry maybe, but how can you cheat at art - specially when it is paint-by-numbers?
Or, we could turn our new laser focus on the Benefir 2 probable preganancy but (yawn), that would just put us to sleep.
Alternatively, we could hone in on The Gloved One's molestation and conspirary trial but, to be frank, this is getting too weird even for TT. We have kinky bondage dolls, killers plotting hot air balloon 'disappearances', ex-wives who have sold their kids and seem to want a better price and a series of Mothers of Chuckie who find it perfectly normal to leave their pre-pubescent boys to sleep in a bed with a weird adult male ---while they shop for bling bling.
One is almost tempted to pick up on the Runaway Bride (again) but she and her rainbow coloured blanket have retreated from view to deal with her 'issues' and review book and movie deals.
The faithful (and CHASTE) fiance has said he still intends to marry her (abstinence has again been proved to have a fatal impact on good judgement ) and 'hasn't everyone made a mistake'? Good point. But , surely 'A' mistake is the operative word. Just which mistake is he referring to? Disappearing days before her wedding leaving only a trail of hair chunks? Staying at the Treasure Island Hotel in Vegas? (selecting Treasure Island over Mandalay Bay, the Venetian, Bellaggio or Wynn sure counts in TTs book as a mistake). Or, is he referring to falsely reporting her kidnap and rape? or would it be those THREE shoplifting arrests? Hard to know which mistake he might be referencing.
The Fiance has been chaste for the past five years (God made him do it) so we are prepared to accept that his judgement has been seriously impaired. And, we now know that the Runaway had also been abstemous with her previous fiance (the one she dumped on the phone) so clearly an insanity defence is in the offing for all involved.
Frankly, we have to wonder about those breast implants(yes, TT knows everything!!) that the bride had before she met the (current)fiance. With all that rampant celebacy we just have to figure she took off before The Fiance found out that all was not as it appeared to be. Hmm. Did she shoplift before or after the implants? Enquiring minds want to know.
In the meantime, the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. The bride to be is in seclusion trying to figure out why she was running away' from herself' (the 500 plus guests, fiance and ginormous wedding party might be forgiven for thinking she ditched them) and reviewing her cash generation options. But some smart guy just picked up $102 selling a 'Runaway Bride Kit' on e-Bay (comes complete with scissors, bottle of hair dye, matchbox blue and white van and fake clump of hair).
We admire the burgeoning trade it toast-art (a derivative of cheese sandwich art). One artiste reaped over $100,000 for his peice of toast with an image that sort-of looks like the Runaway Bride. Now there are Runaway Bride T-shirts, Rainbow towels, sneakers.....this could all have a very positive impact on the US trade deficit.
With toast selling for over $100,000, TT strongly recommends that the more parsimonious TT reader wanting historical memorabilia
As for TT, we are going to the kitchen to make toast --LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of toast!!!