Friday, February 22, 2008


Just how desperate is Billary?? Very, but not as desperate as we are to see the back of Billlary.

The big guns, accusations of plagerism, are now trained on Obama. Plagerism? In Obama's book? His kindergarten thesis? These are the big guns? More like desperate guns.

In the Texas showdown debate, Billary really socked it to Obama. ' Ask not what your country can deliver to you', she said, 'ask what you can deliver to the voters'.

Accusing Obama of being an empty suit, Billary said - 'All the king's horses and all the kings men, couldn't put your health care plan together - again'. 'Barak, just where is the beef?'

Turning to the cameras after hurling her pointed spears (and borrowing liberally from the words of John Edwards), Billary snarled -' Ich bin ein Berliner'. So there.
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Friday, February 15, 2008


Hello? It's about this 5000 pound spy satellite (yeah, the one that costs squillions but never worked) that's hurtling its way towards us loaded with toxic (and explosive rocket fuel). All this just to listen to TT's telephone calls??

Fortunately, the Pentagon has an even more expensive missile system that is apparently going to shoot it out of the sky into squillions of little pieces. So instead of one giant splat in one unlucky location, there are to be thousands of little splats in thousands of unlucky locations. Sounds good to us. And, encouragingly, there is an 80 to 90 percent chance of the missile hitting its target according to the Pentagon. Now wait a minute. Is this not the missile system that is supposed to intercept nuclear weapons? Shouldn't it have a slightly higher rate of accuracy??

We assume Lockheed Martin, who designed and built this 'bus', will be paying for this little operation and giving a full refund on the rogue satellite. Of course, it is important to do this to prevent those noxious gases from harming people if it does hit some part of the world that isn't ocean (only a 25 percent chance since 3/4 is water). But surely those people will have already been crushed to death? And what of the squillions of pieces if it is hit??

All we know is that for the next few weeks we are definitely not flying and will be ordering in from the depths of our nuclear bunker!!!
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008


TT has assembled an array of healthy snacks (carrot sticks and celery dipped in molten chocolate are vitamin and flavanoid rich sustenance) to get us through to the results of the 'Potomac Primary'.

While we wait to see if someone can get those pesky older white women to stay home if they cannot vote sensibly, we are distracted by a very annoying drum beat - it's the Chuckabunny!!

Marching over the carcases of Rudy Tuesday (9/11), Dead Fred (oh, was it Fred Head?), and Mitt (I could have personally purchased every foreclosed home mortgage for what I spent on trying to get the nomination) Romney - not to mention the bullet-ridden (but still standing) body of John (Right Wing Whackos Really Dont Like Me) McCain - the indefatiguable Chuckabunny appears to be running on Duracell batteries.

A request - could someone please take away his battery recharger????
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