Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The world holds its breath waiting to see if the Rogue General McChrystal will resign, be fired or if O will hold another beer summit and 'teachable moment'.

TT has it on excellent authority that the White House will replace the Out of Control General with a Predator drone (frankly he should have been fired when he fudged the circumstances of the death of Paul Tillman and never had the chance to talk to Rolling Stone - Rolling Stone??? What was he thinking?).

Friday, June 18, 2010


The handsome, urbane (and articulate) Swedish Chairman of BP cares so much about the small people impacted by his company's under water oil volcano that he had to tell those small people at least three times how deeply he cares.

He cares so deeply for those small creatures that he dragged himself from his yacht in the South Pacific(the same south pacific where there are no oil rigs) to go to Washington and tell the world how much he, the President of the United States and everyone who works for BP care about those small folks.

Or, did he mean, Little People - the same ones that Leona Helmsley once identified as the only ones who pay taxes?

Sunday, June 13, 2010


We don't expect Presidents to talk about 'kicking ass' on prime time tv and if we did, it wouldn't be O. Are there any other words coming out of this man's mouth that could sound so unlikely and insincere?? At least Dubbya's ' bring it on' sounded authentic.

O told Matt Lauer that he met with experts so he would know 'whose ass to kick'. Huh??? You need experts to know whose ass to kick - this after 50 days of an underwater volcano of oil spewing its sludgy poison into the Gulf? The rest of us knew whose ass to kick within days and we didn't need any ass kicking experts.

We knew O would disappoint us, we just didn't think it would be in the area of competence.