Thursday, December 17, 2009


OK. TT admits it. We just cannot get enough of the Tiger Woods flame out.

It has already given us 4 more days than the average sex scandal and we just cannot look away.

Bad as it is, it is still more entertaining than having to think about Viet, we mean Afghanistan. Better than the health care train wreck (thank goodness for a Parliamentary system with 'socialized' medicine). Better than melting ice caps and Nuclear Nut Jobs.

Tiger is surely not the first athlete to indulge in 'transgressions' (now morphed into 'infidelities) but while we expect bad behaviour from the Baketball and Football Boys, we really weren't primed for a golf goof - and certainly not from mr Focus and Discipline and not, shall we say, in such volume and sheer recklessness.

So many questions. How is it that the richest athlete in sports history doesn't have better taste in women? When can we expect the sex video to surface? (Tiger lawyers have obtained an injunction to prevent UK publication of nude photos or sex tapes of The Man -- surely one doesnt take out an injunction on something unless it exists?). Can a Love Child be far behind? What are the chances TWs pre-nup will hold up (not)?

Then there is the whooshing sound - the sound of angst ridden corporate sponsors running as far and fast as they can. Accenture (with the unfortunate - Go On, Be a Tiger tag line) is busy purging its ubiquitous billboards and advertising featuring TW. TT thinks this shows a lack of imagination. Accenture says TW no longer is a good representative of their business but surely for such a huge promoter of outsourcing, TW has given 'outsourcing' a whole new visibility.

Gillette is receeding into the weeds, Heuer (What Are You Made Of?) has gone silent. And Amex ('Turning Heads' - they cannot say he isn't living up to the slogan) has also beat a retreat to the shadows. Nike, seems to stand alone in its staunch support for Tiger (and their 800 million dollar golf business) but everyone knows Nike will throw money at anything. These are the same guys who signed Tanya Harding AFTER she attacked her skating nemesis.

Then there are those rather unfortunate ads promoting the TW golf courses (and the luxury homes adjascent). As recently as last weekend, we saw TW strolling the greens in South Carolina talking about how life priotities change when you have children and a family (yeah, right)....well, you get the drift. Not quite sure what these guys will do to replace all that.

Hard to imagine how the Teflon Man can come back, at least in terms of his gargantuan endorsement income but our advice to TW is - get back out on that golf course soon and WIN WIN WIN. We cannot help but wonder though if, absent his 'stress release' method of choice, can he really come back to even a shadow of his former self? Talk about train wrecks......

Thanks Tiger for giving us something else to think and talk about this Festive Season.
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Thursday, December 03, 2009


Tiger apparently cannot say it ain't so.

Of course, TT has known since the first reports of the 2.30 am crash into a fire hydrant and tree on Woods property, that he was fleeing a wife (armed with the oh so appropriate selection of a golf club as weapon) enraged by the discovery of her husband's 'transgressions. Let's face it, when a guy who can hit a teeny weeny little white ball a squillion feet without hitting a tree hits a tree with a humungous SUV,
can an extramarital affair (or three) be far behind????

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