Saturday, September 19, 2009


He is here, there and EVERYWHERE!!!

About the only chance TT has of avoiding the Sunday Talk Show Obama Assault tomorrow, is to keep the TV stuck on Fox.

Speaches, Town Halls, Congressional addresses, Press Conferences.... it is endless.

We cannot even pick up a copy of Men's/Women's/Children's Health without his picture on the cover. Do these guys not understand that just because there is a 24/7 news cycle, that doesn't mean we have to have O 24/7.

Now apparently O will darken the doors of no less than 5 network Sunday talk shows (no Fox of course!). And, that is to be followed by Letterman. Enough. Enough. Enough.

What next? CSI? Law and Order? America's Got Talent? Dancing with the Stars?

Will someone please give this man the health reform he wants so maybe we can get some respite?? Maybe this is the new waterboarding.............
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Friday, September 04, 2009


It had to happen.

We just didn't think it would happen quite so soon or so fast.

Icarus Obama's poll numbers are in a dizzying downward spiral while unemployment corkscrews its way upwards.

Icarus is watching his signature issue (health care reform) staring down into the abyss of failure. His town hall meetings, speachifying, op eds, infomercials and soon, an address to Congress, have all failed to communicate what is, in the face of an economic meltdown, the urgency of reforming health care. People want the economy fixed. If health care is as important or necessary to fix the economy - O's non-stop presence on the airwaves has failed to communicate that. He has failed to articulate HOW healthcare needs to be reformed. He has failed to communicate what is to be reformed ? He has failed to adequately explain how one can insure millions more people and pay for it by cutting waste from Medicare which wouldn't curb benefits or start pulling the plug on grandma (the biggest costs are in the final year of life). It isn't entirely loony for old people to have questions about billions in cuts in Medicare and 'end of life counseling'. Icarus has failed to explain just what the 'reform' is. There are so many bills with so many provisions, how is anyone expected to sort through it when the Explainer in Chief cannot explain it?

How has it come to this? Arrogance.

It remains to be seen whether it is a terminal disease and whether it is covered by insurance.
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