He is here, there and EVERYWHERE!!!
About the only chance TT has of avoiding the Sunday Talk Show Obama Assault tomorrow, is to keep the TV stuck on Fox.
Speaches, Town Halls, Congressional addresses, Press Conferences.... it is endless.
We cannot even pick up a copy of Men's/Women's/Children's Health without his picture on the cover. Do these guys not understand that just because there is a 24/7 news cycle, that doesn't mean we have to have O 24/7.
Now apparently O will darken the doors of no less than 5 network Sunday talk shows (no Fox of course!). And, that is to be followed by Letterman. Enough. Enough. Enough.
What next? CSI? Law and Order? America's Got Talent? Dancing with the Stars?
Will someone please give this man the health reform he wants so maybe we can get some respite?? Maybe this is the new waterboarding.............