Can Luv Gov 2's 'soul mate' not do anything to shut this man up??
Was it not bad enough to have to endure that rambling, TMI (Too Much Information) press conference from Mr Family Values (as long as it involves many families)??
Could the demented unhinged Luv Gov 2 not take advantage of the respite from the media feeding frenzy provided by MJ's demise?
Clearly not.
Now we have the Luv Gov 2 providing even more unwanted details of his 'forbidden' and 'tragic love' for his Argentinian paramour - to Associated Press of all people. A priest? Maybe but we doubt even a priest would want these details. We are sure his wife and kids are delighted to know that the Argentinian is his 'soul mate' but that he is 'trying' to fall in love with his wife again. Hello? Jenny? Time to get the locks changed and give this guy the heave ho. 'Trying to fall in love' with his wife again? What is wrong with this man?
Why did he feel the need to tell us, and the rest of the world, that he had also 'crossed the line' with a number of other women but not THE line, ie it depends on what the definition of IS is. Luv Gov 2 makes us feel so much better about him that even though he 'crossed the line', he didn't go 'all the way'. Who uses the term 'all the way' these days.
The entire world population calls out to the Argentinian muse to intervene immediately - get this man to SHUT UP and put us out of his and his family's misery.