We knew John McCain was a gambler although his staffers haven't let him near a casino since he became the Republican nominee - presumptive. (And he has the nerve to call Obama presumptuous - actually, we think a septegerian who has had serious skin cancer four times and still makes Moose Lady his veep choice, has moved beyond presumptuous).
Maybe, just maybe, his staff was wrong and if they had allowed him to roll the dice at the craps table the White House chefs wouldn't be researching ways to serve moose meat. (We suggest - rarely!)
Does it get any more off the wall? A gun- toting mother of 5 and lifetime member of the NRA. Governor of a state with less than a million people (27 percent of them under the age of 18) for less than 2 years??? With a house husband who is a world champion snowmobiler (not likely to get to do much of that in DC ).
There just isn't enough popcorn in the world to get us through this - we may need something considerably stronger (wonder what Hillary is drinking). At least we now know something. Obama is not ready to lead. Can he possibly protect America from an invasion of moose or coyote? We think not.