Just how desperate is Billary?? Very, but not as desperate as we are to see the back of Billlary.
The big guns, accusations of plagerism, are now trained on Obama. Plagerism? In Obama's book? His kindergarten thesis? These are the big guns? More like desperate guns.
In the Texas showdown debate, Billary really socked it to Obama. ' Ask not what your country can deliver to you', she said, 'ask what you can deliver to the voters'.
Accusing Obama of being an empty suit, Billary said - 'All the king's horses and all the kings men, couldn't put your health care plan together - again'. 'Barak, just where is the beef?'
Turning to the cameras after hurling her pointed spears (and borrowing liberally from the words of John Edwards), Billary snarled -' Ich bin ein Berliner'. So there.