Chinese officials have indicated they will wait until the Florida primary results are known before making a final decision about whether to recall Rudy Giuliani .
Highly placed officials told TT that Giuliani's strategy for capturing the GOP nomination and the Presidency (ie. wait for the race to finish before jumping in) lead them to suspect that there were unacceptably high levels of lead in his brain.
TT caught up with Mr 9/11 as he mowed Floridian lawns in a last push to win votes. Promising he would mow Floridian lawns 'forever' if they voted for him, Mr 9/11 dismissed the Chinese reports.
'I see nothing flawed or defective in my campaign strategy', said Guiliani. By waiting till the race is over, I am ensuring that the others are exhausted and too tired to fight the, Democrats', said Mr G.
Chinese officials will await Floridians judgement before making a determination.