Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Is nothing sacred?

Is there no icon that can be allowed to remain in tact?

It is clear to us that the end of the world (as we know it) is very close indeed.

We were thrilled to learn that all the early Sesame Street shows were being released on dvd. As we cranked up the popcorn maker we were horrifed to learn that said dvds would come with a WARNING LABEL. A warning label?? We wondered if the Homeland Security boys had taken a look and found subversives lurking (Ernie a possible terrorist?).

These early shows are carrying a warning: 'These Sesame Street episodes are intended for grown ups (get real - we knew that!!) and might not suit the needs of todays preschool child'. And what needs would those be? Is this a warning intended to alert us that no joy-sticks are involved? No. It seems just this once it isn't the Homeland Security boys but the nutrition police who are behind this shocker!

Cookie Monster apparently sets a poor example for today's urchins with his non-stop gobbling of cookies (is there any other way to eat cookies?). What an outrage!!

Is poor Cookie to morph into the Bananna Monster? the Grape Monster?

And then what? Santa on a Diet? To be left celery stalks and cherry tomatoes instead of the traditional milk and coookies?

Enough!!! We are heading to our bunker (with a few packages of cookies) to await the end of the world!!!
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


What is it with these Republicans?

Is it not scary enough that Rudy wants to nuke Iran even before he has the Republican nomination? Now, he has 'successfully' wooed Pat Le Scary Roberston to endorse him.

Sure, who wouldn't want the endorsement of someone who said the destruction of the World Trade Centre was punishment for abortion? getting the endorsement of someone who warned Disney that welcoming gays to their theme parks would open them up to 'earthquakes, tornados and possibly a meter' (a meteor???) sure sounds like a winner to us.

Maybe Rudy just wants in on Robertson's special protein shake that apparently enables him to leg press 2000 pounds so he (Rudy) can personally take on all of Iran.

We had 911 reasons why Rudy scared the hell out of us and now we have 912...........
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Monday, November 12, 2007


It all started with Bill Clinton.

It was Clinton who opened the door to re-defining words (think, 'is') and it has been all downhill from there.

Dubbya and the boys have re-defined 'mission accomplished', 'enemy combatants', and 'torture' to name but a few.

Now we have some Homeland Security bozo warning American's that they need to 're-define privacy'.

We always wondered if there really was a slippery slope but now we know it exists and we are on it...........
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