We may be taking a 'break' in concert with the Iraqi Parliamentarians but it doesn't mean we are asleep!
TT is well aware of the miners trapped in Utah (many consider everyone who lives in Utah to be trapped - why else would they stay there???), the hurricanes that threaten to underperform the 24/7 Breaking News coverage (not to mention all those hurrican graphics that have been prepared), and Dubbya's preparing to turn a disasterous situation (Iraq) into something worse (let's go after the Iranians now!!). What is worse than disasterous? Looks like we are going to find out.
What we don't understand is why there isn't more attention being paid to the nefarious activities of those Russians. Surely the implications of the Russians planting their flag 14,000 feet below the surface of the North Pole should be creating more concern. The very essence of Santa may be threatened (just wait till you start getting those greeting cards in Russian!).
We understand that the Elves are in Russian language courses and the reindeer are mysteriously responding to 'Ivan' and 'Boris' instead of Rudolph and Donner. Shouldn't Dubbya be doing something to help poor Frosty? He is reportedly being force-fed borscht!!
Thankfully, it appears that at least the Canadians understand the threat and are believed to be sending the navy (12 canoes) and the army (two part-time soldiers) to the North Pole to stage an intervention. Once they figure out what indiginous foods to take with them (to replace the borscht), the full force of the Canadian military is expected to descend on the Pole and Santa (and elves) will be liberated.
We feel SO much better......................