What is it with NBC?
First they offer $1 million for the first post-prison interview with Paris (seems reasonable to us).
Then a head honcho pulls the plug. Apparently someone with their head screwed on backwards decided it wasn't worthy of the news division.
Now someone called Mika Brzezinski has an on-air Paris H. meltdown. Brzezinski, a newsreader, refused to read the lead story of the night - Paris' release from hell - ahead of other minor events (subpeonas to the White House, Veep's office, National Security Council and Justice Department for example).
Seems Ms Brzezinski had a problem with the prominence of the Paris H story and its saturation coverage. She refused to read the script three times, tried to burn the script with a colleague's lighter and then - live on You Tube - took to the shredder and fed it into the machine. What is wrong with this woman?
CNN, the most trusted name in news, devoted two full hours of prime time television to this very important story (one hour of 'interview' with Larry King and one hour of talking heads dissecting the 'interview'). If the most trusted name in news gives the Paris H story this kind of treatment then we KNOW it is really important. It is ten times the air time than all presidential wannabes have collectively received since they declared their intentions (a million times more in the case of Chris Dodd).
It isn't as if there were other things going on. A couple of subponeas, a few bombs in Baghdad (its not like it was the first or the last), some old CIA secrets, Dick Cheney having his residence 'blurred out' on Google Earth, Dick Cheney declaring the Office of the Vice President as outside the reach of subpoenas. Only a couple of weeks ago CNN cut away from the announcement that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was being fired to show -- yes, Paris Hilton being taken to (or from) jail.
This Brzezinski woman needs a talking to. Doesn't she realize who Paris H IS??? We are talking about the girl who convinced Britney Spears to go out without any undies (and get photographed accordingly). Someone needs to explain to her that she is a news READER. She is not the Decider. That role is taken!!