Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
While we wait for That Sweet Sound (Alberto Gonzales and Paul Wolfowitz bobbing around in the deep fryer), we ponder The Big Question....
How on earth did the White House manage to delete 5 million emails? It seems to take us forever to delete just a dozen emails let alone 5 million.
And how is it they have been unable to retrieve them? We seem unable to permanently delete ANYTHING. And anyone who has ever watched Court TV knows that emails are as indelible as the chocolate sauce we spilled on a new white blouse (ok, so it was an old white blouse).
Hmmm. Is that the sound of a couple of people boiling in oil???
Thursday, April 19, 2007
By all accounts, staffers and world leaders alike are astonished by Neo-con Crusader Wolfowitz' current situation.
The neo-con Crusader who made fightin corruption his rallying cry as President of the World Bank is currently fighting for the job no one apart from Dubbya et al wanted to give him.
His rocky tenure just hit a coral reef with the revelations that he had a direct hand in securing a plum promotion and increase for his girlfriend.
Girlfriend? Paul Wolfowitz has a girlfriend? It surely gives hope to wizened gnomes around the globe. Even the most physically and mentally unappealing have a soul-mate out there somewhere.
Still.....pretty astonishing we would say.
Friday, April 13, 2007
CBS is on a firing binge. I guess we are supposed to be impressed.
Shock jock Don Imus got the boot finally for apparently 'crossing the line' of acceptability. We don't listen to Imus but hasn't he been on the other side of acceptability forever?
We don't watch/listen to Katie Perkier-than-Hell Couric (that VOICE is enough to drive us to drink and that gummy smile makes us heave) so we will confess we didn't even know she had a blog let alone read it. We kind of suspect that not many people read her blog either.
Now CBS have fired the 'ghost writer' of the Couric musings. Seems that the 'ghostwriter' ripped off (nicer expression than plagerized) a Wall Street Journal column. Now, we aren't sure whether plagerism was enough to get her fired but surely anyone dumb enough to plagerize a column from the Wall Street Journal deserves to be canned. People actually READ the WSJ.
We are a little mystified though. Katie's blog isn't her blog at all. So when she (her alter ego) wrote 'I still remember my first library card' - it was not only a rip off of the WSJ column but a fake memory as it wasn't Couric's at all. So it is ok to publish a fake memory (how likely is it Katie Couric remembers getting her first library card?) but not if the fake is a plagerised fake. Huh? Getting too complex for us.
We want our reader's to know that TT produces every word ourselves. Frankly if we were to plagerize something we would never be stupid enough to do it from the wall street journal or boring enough to make it about our first library card.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The world's pre-eminent brain specialists are meeting in Iceland to examine a perplexing pandemic threatening to undermine the very foundations of Democracy.
A dizzying cast of characters has been stricken by amnesia and it would seem it is contagious.
Alberto Gonzales cannot recall having had any involvement in the firing of a gaggle of US attorneys. Scooter Libby is waiting to find out if his 'memory lapses' will land him in jail. And Rudy G., Mr Presidential-Wannabe, has no memory at all of being briefed about the Sopranoesque 'affiliations' of one Bernie Kerik before he appointed him Commissioner of Police of NYC (and then tried to get Kerik named Homeland Security Director). And Sam Fox (ambassadorial Wannabe and financial contributor to the infamous Swift Boat ads) - poor Sam - cannot recall to whom he gave that cheque for $50,000.
It is all very worrying - even Dubbya says he 'doesn't recall' if anyone spoke to him about those US attorneys before they were nuked. And who knows what else he and his cronies have forgotten.
Dr. Sushi Sashimi, noted brain surgeon, said he fears the worst. 'We on cusp of pandemic', Dr Sashimi told TT.
'Soon no one left who remembers anything about anything so we may have big problem when they start surging troops (or lawyers) to Ireland (well, somewhere that starts with the letter 'I')', said Dr Sashimi.