My goodness!!
While the number of men claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith's Baby Squillionaire proliferates (don't men usually spend time and money to FIGHT paternity??), the Anna Nicole Smith gets curiouser and curiouser.
Among alll the theories swirling around the possible cause of her death, we now learn that ANS was in a seriously weakened state following two surgeries (after the birth of her 5 month old squillionaire baby) and taking a cocktail of painkillers.
She apparently had surgery for breast augmentation and another for 'repair' (repair? do breasts break?). Breast augmentation? Surely there is another word for the augmentation of an already surreal augmentation? Why would one augment the Matterhorn??
It certainly explains why she would be in a weakened state. The poor woman couldn't sit, let alone stand. And those pics of her in bed and the Bahamian Immigration Minister? Innocent of course. He had to hug her in bed because she couldn't get up.
But back to this augmentation stuff. We are getting a bit confused about terminology here. When Condi Rice was quizzed by Senators about Dubbya's Iraq Surge Strategy she strongly denied that this was an escalation - 'NO', she said. 'It's an augmentation'.
Hmm. Does that mean that the military being sent over are all to undergo breast augmentation? or have had the necessary equipment already installed?
So many questions and so few answers. Of course we would be in a better position to answer those questions if the media were doing a more responsible job of covering this important story.
But no. Just as we are starting to get to the bottom of the Methadone in the Fridge (we are restocking our own fridge now just in case we die suddenly and people take pics of our frindge contents), the media insist on breaking away to long 30 second blips on North Korea, Iran, Iraq and or the Scooter Libby trial. Outrageous. How are we ever going to the bottom of this?
So while aspiring father's to the squillionaire baby proliferate - threatening to be as numerous as the number of lawyers hovering around this case- TT is left to investigate our theories in a virtual information vacuum.
Right now we can say we believe ANS was murdered. And, while there are arguable a host of suspects, we believe a certain deranged diapered astronaut (D.D.A)had the strongest motive. Only the weirdness of the ANS spectacle could have knocked the DDA off the airwaves ....
Think about it....................