Quick. Hide Dick Cheney's shotgun.
While Dubbya, Barney and Laura thought Dubbya was giving the State of the Union Address last night --- we all know he actually was launching duck hunting season and the kick of the 2008 Presidential campaign.
Groan. As if two more years of Dubbya were not bad enough we have two years of the Democrats trying to have their profiteroles and eat them too.
As far as we can tell, with Dubbya's poll numbers rivaling the temperatures in North Dakota, we didn't hear anything that would persuade us that Our Boy means anything other than what he says - he says he isn't concerned about his legacy and for once we believe him.
He quacked on about 'reaching across the floor' (the old bipartisan chestnut that Dubbya himself roasted a long time ago) but saw no evidence that this applies to him!!
'Nothing is more important than winning' in Iraq, quacked the canard, but US involvement ' is not unlimited'. Gee, if NOTHING is more important then shouldn't it be unlimited?
We still don't understand how a few months of a baby surge is going to get anyone closer to 'winning' anything. Nor do we get how plunging another billion$ into 'reconstruction' is going to do anything that the previous 30 plus billion$ hasn't done -- except enrichen a few fat cat US companies and crooked Iraqi officials.
Actually, the shotgun you hear cocking, as duck hunting season gets under way, is not that of Dick Cheney but rather those of Hilary, Barak and an array of other aspiring hunters.