TT has it on the best of authority that the Axis of Evil - identified by Dubbya as Iran, Iraq and North Korea- is to be retired.
Plans are now well underway to replace the outdated ,and all too confining Axis, with the 'Icosahedron of Evil'.
Sources tell us that the icosahedron (twenty sided geometric solid) of evil is much more representative, allowing for the inclusion of more Bad Boys. Syria, Cuba, Venezuala and France have already been awarded colourful slots on the icosahedron.
Discussion is still underway as to whether Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Quaeda will get slots. The State Department is resisting their inclusion, on the basis that the US does not recognize them and ' what we do not recognize, does not exist', said one source.
It was pointed out that even with the inclusion of Hezbollah et al, that still wouldn't quite reach the magic number of 20 needed for a perfect icosahedron. Unphased, anonymous sources expressed confidence the slots could easily be filled. 'We are finding more and more Evil every day', said our source. ' Russia certainly should watch its step.....', they said.
The Icosahedron of Evil is expected to be completed and launched at the next State of the Union address.