Pictures like this will just be only a heartstring-yanking memory if Rich White Western Women keep scooping up adorable Orphan Infants and putting them on the Fast Track to fame and fortune. It would seem that Foreign infants have the inside edge in the race for instant family status - apparently there are no kids in the USof A who need nannys.
Angelina Jolie is, of course, the poster girl - having scarfed up a Mohowk-haired Cambodian and saucer-eyed Ethiopian. She has made little secret of her desire to construct her own United Nations (never mind those quickly hushed up stories suggesting neither child is actually an orphan and the 'adoptions' somewhat suspect). One mustn't let annoying details like parents interfere.
We have Calista Flockheart and now Meg Ryan who appear to have miraculously simultaneously acquired Adorable infants and nannys -- who are also, apparently, orphans. Is there a Catalogue of Orphans? Just pick a pic and hop on that plane to China/Cambodia/wherever and pick yourself up a tiny tot.
Even a 55 year old Johnson baby oil heiress whose name we forget (all we remember is that she is having an affair with her neice's boyfriend) has whizzed off to Cambodia (or was it Vietnam?) to get herself a Barbie Baby.
Now, that obvious beacon of Motherhood, 25 year old Jessica Simpson says she wants to 'adopt a few' alien tots before she 'has her own'. Jessica, we hate to tell you this but they WILL be your own.
Clearly, once you have a closet or two full of Prada, a Designer Orphan is the Next Big Thing. What next? Will Paris Hilton acquire a Designer Orphan to go with her mangy, scrawny little pooch? Will she buy a handbag big enough to carry the dog AND the Tiny Tot??
Always in the vanguard of trendspotting, TT sees a crisis brewing - A World Shortage of Adorable Orphans. Better make that donation to UNICEF now while there are still Orphans without a celebrity home!!!