We have it on excellent authority that Dubbya will be revealing, Plan C, for Global Peace and Harmony. Plan A, invading Iraq and neutralizing it as a threat to world security, was undermined when no WMDs were actually located and the happy smiling faces of Iraqi's greeting their liberators turned a bit hostile - hurling bombs instead of rose petals.
Plan B, hasn't worked so well either. Palestinian voters have done what America and Europe never did, hold the Palestinian Authority accountable for years of corruption, mismanagemant and killing. Of course, democracy can be a tricky business. Those pesky voters have a habit of not always doing what they are supposed to do. And, no amount of hanging chads are likely to appear and helpfully rejig the election that has given Hammas its clear electoral victory.
And, as America and Europe prepare to pull the plug on funding of the Palestinian Authority, at least the rules of the game are getting clarified. You can get squillions of dollars if you are only corrupt and inept but only if you say things you don't mean and cannot deliver. Heh, doesn't a year without a Hamas suicide bomber get some credit ? (Loud squishing sounds coming from the rotten tomatoes being hurled at TT). Surely if the IRA and African National Congress can re-brand Hamas can too?
So, tonight we hear that Dubbya will reveal the framework for Plan C. For the first time, TT understands that Dubbya's musings will be simultaneously translated into English.
Unfortunately, we have plans to wash our flaxen locks this evening.