Unless you have been lurking on an iceberg off the coast of Greenland, you know that Elton John and George Michael are getting married - well, not to each other but to their respective partners.
Elton is hosting an intimate celebration of his nuptuals (tomorrow), on Day 1 of Gay Marriage in England. He and his Canadian consort won't be the first in the UK - the first was performed Monday when the Civil Partnership Act took effect (yeah, its gay Marriage without the M word) in Northern Ireland. Yes, the same Northern Ireland where only a few years ago it was illegal to buy condoms now has gay marriage.
Elton won't even be the first in England when the law takes effect at midnight tonight - that honour will go to the improbably named Mr. Rainbow.
But, as A-listers know, Elton and his partner will have a discreet ceremony tomorrow, followed by a massively indiscreet (complete with video good wishes from Bill Clinton) blow-out for 700 or 800 of their closest celeb friends. But they are not alone. At least 25,000 other couples are lined up right behind them - including distinguished military historian Sir Michael Howard (83) who is tying the knot after forty years plus with his spring-chicken partner, 63.
Which brings us to the pink champagne. It is now impossible to find a bottle of pink champagne anywhere in the UK. It has all been scarfed up for those Big Fat Gay Weddings happening between now and the end of January. No fair.
And, forget booking a cool venue (the London Eye, the Tower of London). They are all booked by those Wedding Planners (recently exited from closets across the land). As if that wasn't bad enough, the Wedding Planners have clearly been saving all their best ideas for their Gay clientele relegating the dismal hetero world to an eternity of organ music and church halls while they host 'Wizard of Oz' weddings complete with Yellow Brick Roads. No fair.
It is now impossible for TT's nuptuals to take place anytime soon - not that we actually had a date, or even a victim (er, candidate) in mind but it is the principle.
If we had hooked up with Prince Charming we would have no yellow brick road, no castles, no pink champagne. It's all been hoarded for those BFG weddings.
If you are gay and have good connections, you still might get your hands on a pink limo though......CLICK ON TITLE FOR MORE INFO. But, you can forget any thoughts of tiaras, boas or sequins -- TT hasn't been completely asleep at the switch!!