Pope Benedict XVI has the chattering classes chattering.
Some are talking up the infammous 'Instruction Concerning the Criteria of Vocational Discernment Regarding Persons with Homosexual Tendancies'. That's the latest incantation of Benedict's 30 years of homophobia - gays not welcome to be ordained. Unless, of course, you have 'overcome' those 'tendancies' for at least three years before being ordained and don't 'live the gay lifestyle' (no house on Fire Island I guess).
Apparantly, if your homosexual tendancies are 'transitory', the gate to the monestary will still be open . But, just what is a 'transitory' homosexual? One who moves residences frequently? Lives in a trailer park? (no, cannot be - no gay person would EVER live in a trailer park!!)
Is anyone really surprised by any of this?? Did anyone really think that acquiring the papal ring might wipe away three decades of committed homophopia? Frankly, if being gay means the Catholic Church doesn't want you, then we are going 'straight' to Gay School! Sign us up.
All this angst over the ridiculous 'Instruction' has diverted from the real news. Our Boy would seem to have a 'deeply rooted' fashion sense that seems a tad in conflict with eschewing worldy goods and all that.
First we saw him in Gucci shades and now we hear that Annibale Gammarerelli, papal tailors for squillions of years, may get the axe because his sartorial nibs is not happy.
Fashion mavens and Vatican observers are agog that His Homophobic Excellency has ordered himself up some new duds---duds with 'shimmering, sequin-like details'. Hmmm. Shimmering, sequin-like details? Which brings us to a key question. Are drag queens necessarily gay? If gay, are their 'tendancies' considered 'deeply rooted'. Can you be ordained if you are a drag queen but not a 'practicing' gay person?
How many sequins are too many?
These are the questions we thought needed answers - that is until we saw a pic of His Glitz wearing RED Prada shoes!!!! CLICK HERE AND TAKE A PEEK AT THOSE SHOES. Now we have other questions.
Is it ok to mix Gucci and Prada? What colour Prada's go best with sequins? Time to get the debate back to the important stuff.
We await the Spring publication of 'Instruction Concerning the Criteria on Fashion Discernment Regarding Persons with Flash (and deeply rooted) Tendancies.