Surfacing from the Dog Days of August, TT was astonished to see the squillions of empty Ben and Jerry's containers littering our landscape.
Who ate all that Ben and Jerry's????
Well...ok, we admit to being responsible for some of the consumption.
As pre-Katrina gas prices made filling up the tank feel more like a mortgage payment, we did reach for a tub of 'Fossil Fuel'.
And, when the surgery to separate Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt was unsuccessful, the 'Wavy Gravy' helped ease our disappointment.
The empty 'Marsha Marsha Marshmallow' was pretty welcome when someone stole Dorothy's ruby slippers from the Judy Garland Museum in Minnesota (what is a Judy Garland Museum doing in Minnesota anyway? Shouldn't it be in Kansas or somewhere?).
We do recognize the 'Chunky Monkey' tub as one of ours. Pat Robertson putting out a 'hit' on Hugo Chavez pushed us towards that fat laden salve. Then, the realization that assassination sounded like a reasonable alternative to 150 billion dollar invasions as a means of takng out Evil Dictators (assuming you have your definition of Evil Dictator straight), literally propelled us to the 'New York Super Fudge Cake'. We know we are suffering from heat stroke when Pat Robertson starts making sense to us.
'Urban Jungle' provided caloric solace when the glue that was holding the 'historic' Iraqi Constitution together, melted in the desert heat. Eagle-eyed observers like TT of course saw trouble early on when the factions couldn't agree on who the 'We' is in the Preamble, 'We, the People....'. Still, we neeeded comfort to help us figure out if this 'historic' development was The Big One. Or, was last year's Draft Constitution the Big One? Or, was it the creation of the interim, temporary government? You get the picture.
When we first heard about the birth of Katrina (which started life as a tropical depression over the Turks and Caicos islands), we will admit to both a huge sigh of relief and inhaling more than our share of 'Phish Food'.
We hunkered down with some 'In a Crunch' and 'Holy Canoli' to watch the latest in a gaggle of Hurricanes (nothing to do with global warming) make its presence felt. Rather quickly though, we lost our appetitie as the scale and dimensions of the tragedy has unfolded.
We do wish people would stop pointing fingers and focus on getting help to where it is so clearly needed - sooner, rather than later. After all, who could ever have envisioned that a city built ten feet below sea level (and below the Mississippi), on a swamp, in a disease-and-scary creatre-friendly environment, directly in the path of the I-95 of tropical storms and hurricanes, might ever end up under water???
Looting? Rape? Snipers? Who could have predicted that a city with one of the highest crime rates in America and a murder rate ten times the national average might experience a breakdown of law and order? Some point to an experiment conducted by university researchers in a New Orleans suburb one afternoon last year. Researchers fired 700 blank rounds in various locations but not one person reported the gunfire. But, this can hardly be cited as evidence of a serious law and order problem now exacerbaed by the destruction of the city's infrastructure. People obviously thought there were a lot of backfiring cars in the neighbourhood.
And just what were those approximately 100,000 people (in New Orleans alone) still doing in New Orleans after a mandatory evacuation order had been issued. Just because 30% of the population of New Orleans live below the poverty line doesn't mean they didn't have the means to flee? Surely, with 24 hours notice they could have unhooked their dialysis, greased their wheelchairs , delivered their babies and got out of town???
Fortunately, there is the National Guard. Of course 30% of the best-trained members of the Guard(40% in Mississippi), and their equipment, are in Iraq but it shouldn't take more than a decade or so to get them back and ready to respond . So quit the finger pointing.
Even if Ben and Jerry's is no longer providing us with the comfort we seek, TT likes to ferret out the positive. It took Katrina and its aftermath, but the speculation as to when Dubbya might withdraw from Crawford has finally been put to rest. And, in the midst of the unspeakable, the Department of Labour has announced that 169,000 new jobs were created in the US, although we suspect they may not have subtracted the entire economies of Mississippi and Louisiana yet. These guys certainly know how to time their announcements!!!
And, one is heartened by the outpouring of offers of assistance from cities like Dallas, although we notice that Florida, mega recipient of squillions in hurricane assistance, has been very very quiet. We suspect that Dubbya et al must be cringing at the offers of international assistance from places like Russia, Honduras and (GASP) France. No word on what Iraq is ready to do yet.
TT didn't think that there was anything that would dampen our appetite for Ben and Jerry's but events on the Gulf Coast have succeeded where Richard Simmons failed. For TT readers with a stronger stomach or, who need help dealing with Maddox Jolie's Blog