The annual three day BYOB (bring your own breath freshener) Great Gilroy( California) Garlic Festival has apparently come to a halitosis laced and successful end.
Now, don't get us wrong. We LOVE garlic. But just the idea of tens of thousands of people in close quarters (over three days - gulp) downing two tons of garlic (yum, the garlic ice cream sounds tempting) makes us a bit queasy. The fact that the Festival is being sponsored by Listerine is supposed to make us feel more comfortable about the whole experience, we assume. We think we may be able to do without this Close Encounter.
Fortunately, America's love affair with condiments and cash crops affords us other opportunities to indulge. We could head to Stockton, Callifornia for the Asparagus Festival. The asparagus beer and wine helps attendees inhale some 30,000 pounds of the green stuff. Cuvee Asperges 2005, anyone???
If you crave something with a little more 'bulk' you can head for Pullman, Washington to celebrate Lentils with the fun-filled mascot - a 7 foot furry legume!!! A word of advice, pick a seat down wind for the Tour de Lentil bike race.
There is still plenty of time to get yourselves to the August celebration of mustard, appropriately held at the National Mustard Museum in Wisconsin. No fine Arts Museums here, just a monument to the joys of the yellow stuff. You get all the free mustard (and hot dogs) you want (you have to pay for ketchup) and can take part in fun filled activities like bowling with plastic yellow squeeze bottles as pins. (Hard to think of anything more fun than that!).
We recommend skipping the Sauerkraut Festival in Ohio - it's a bit too close to the Tour de Lentil race for our taste. Nonetheless, the celebration attracts 350,000 people a year. Yikes. Who would have thought there were that many cabbage lovers in the world, let alone in Ohio? We aren't even sure there are 350,000 in the whole state!
Personally, we are waiting for the Caviar, Chocolate, Foie Gras and Champagne Festivals but if you want to get in on the Garlic Fun next year (there is a Mr and Miss Garlic chosen but we are unclear what unspeakable acts one must perform in order to be selected - we know you get to dress up like a garlic bud if that appeals)
CLICK HERE ON CLOVE-APALOOZA for the fun filled details l.
Gotta run now - off to the Vognes-Romanee and Vacherin Mont d'Or Festival!!