TT is not the first to note the fact that Europeans and North Americans see the world through different lenses.
What we had not realized was that even the heat of summer provokes very different responses.
When folks in Phoenix were confronted with days of 100 plus degree temperatures they responded by hunkering down in air conditioning, sipping tropical drinks with tiny umbrellas and dipping in and out of their ubiquitous swimming pools --- all perfectly 'normal' reactions.
But, those conservative Austrians (clearly not as conservative as we had thought) took a rather different tack when a 'heatwave' (anything over 75 is a heatwave in Europe) swept Austria.
The prestigious Leopold Museum in Vienna lured sweaty Viennese to an art exhibition by offering free entry IF they showed up naked. Now, we have a hard time imagining the Metropolitan Museum providing free access to naked New Yorkers - wouldn't all those plastic surgery scars be just a bit too obvious?
What surpised us most was that dozens of presumably very buff Viennese have turned up sans clothes. We assume that the cellulite ridden found other 'cooling off' activities.
The museum founder conceded that some visitors might be drawn more by the clothing-challenged visitors than Klimt's Nude Veritas (nubile naked wench with flowers in hair) but didn't seemed bothered that lust rather than art appreciation might be the big draw. 'We stand for truth' and want to help people beat the heat.
Hmmm. With visions of Naked New Yorkers streaming into MOMA, the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building we think we will stick to more traditional cooling off devices --- another mojito, please!!
Frankly, if we had the thighs and cellulite that Klimt's Veritas has (we love it when we find people with bigger thighs and more cellulite) we wouldn't even want a painting of us on display - never mind showing up in the altogether.CLICK HERE AND FEEL MUCH MUCH BETTER ABOUT YOUR FLAWED BODY AND REACH FOR THAT MOJITO BEFORE TAKING ANOTHER DIP IN THE POOL.