There have been startling developements in Aruba in connection with the disappearance of Natalee (spelling is not a compulsory subject in Alabama schools) Holloway (the teenager from Alabama who disappeared in Aruba after a night of normal teen debauchery).
A senior government spokesman has confirmed to TT that the entire population of Aruba (except representatives of Fox News and CNN) is being arrested - one by one.
The spokesman said that Americans should not be so quick to criticize the way in which the case of the missing teen is being handled by local authorities 'We have our own methods', said the spokeman
'We are confident that, with the entire population incarcerated for non-stop questioning by burly Aruban cops, there will no one for the media to interview, the story will go away and we can be sure we have the perp in custody'.
The spokeman confidently predicted a quick resolution to the case that has kept cable news in business for weeks and filled the vacuum since the Michael Jackson trial concluded.
'Once we have the entire popultion incarcerated we can be sure that we have the guilty party in custody', the spokesman said. He was somewhat cagey as to who would be able to serve tropical drinks to tourists who have not disappeared but it is understood that several squillion journalists will, without anyone to interview, have time on their hands and might be available.