We know that Freedom is on the March in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, Lebanon and Gaza because Dubbya et al have told us so.
But how come the big silence over Kyrgyszstan??? Some guy called Askar got deposed and some other guy called Bakiyev has been named Prime Minister and there seem to be several Parliaments --- but, without Dubbya to proclaim the March of Freedom what are we to think??
It has been a week since the rampaging hoards tossed out the President in the wake of disputed elections (elections? aren't those supposed to be part of the freedom march?) but nary a word of Tulip or Daffodil Revolutions from Washingnton.
We have it on good authority that Dubbya is taking a crash course in basic Kirghiz and is almost able to pronounce Kyrgyzstan (also known as Kyrzyxvhizitxigtchzzzxibqstan). Once he and Condi have located this Central Asian gem (in spite of those bothersome landmines, Lonely Planet tells us it is the most accessible and welcoming of the Central Asian Republics), we understand that Condi will wing her way to Bishkek to share a mug of fermented mare's milk with the Voices of Freedom - once they figure out who is wearing the white hats.
Although Kyrgyzstan has a growing crime rate (fuelled by alcohol we are told which is curious with a mainly Muslim population), wildly inflated fuel prices (sounds familiar), desperate poverty and Lonely Planet advises against resisting 'the temptation to just hop off the bus in the middle of nowhere -- the country has apparently been making a significant effort to attract tourism!!! Hmmm.
TT is going to wait till we here from Dubbya and Condi but for TT readers who don't want to wait for some of that yummy mare's milk CLICK HERE TO FIND LOCATION WHERE YOUR KIRGHZ CAN BE PUT TO GOOD USE.