Dubbya has returned from his European Charm Offensive (we buy the Offensive part), just in time to see tout Hollywood perform their greatest acting achievements.
After all, it takes Great Acting to see one of your ex's draped around a new soul mate and pretend you are really really happy that someone else won the award you just KNOW you should have won.
We aren't sure we are up for watching an endless parade of actors and actresses thank their agents, their parents, the local dog catcher, SpongeBob and anyone else who might conceivably be in a position to hurl gobs of wealth and fame in their direction. It's always so enlightening to hear what these folks have to say when there aren't any writers around to give them the words (surely there ought to be a requirement that nominees be provided with writers to give them some words that we will really really really like).
Of course, we know that the real Acting Awards have already been handed out in Europe last week.
Vladmir Putin gets Best Actor Award. He and Dubbya scarfed down some borscht while they had a 'frank' discussion (diplomaticese for 'they had a knock down drag out') during which Dubba gave Vladimir a civics lesson and Vladimir pretended to be very interested and appreciative. Jacques Chirac managed a Best Supporting Actor - but Dubbya walked away with Best Original Screenplay. His ' I know you don't agree with what we did but we did it anyway and now I've been elected for a second term, I'm going to go on doing what I want' message was delivered in nuanced decibels and mille-feuilles smiles. What performance from movies few people have seen could possibly rival 'My European Vacation' (starring Dubbya, with a Supporting Performance from the stilletto booted - where DID she find those things- Condi).
We will opt for a quiet Oscarless evening - just send us one of those $100,00 goodie bags complete with mink eyelashes and, if TiVo just happens to record it then so be it.