TT had every intention of going on cruise control until after the election and the results are known (currently estimated to be February 3, 2007).
We needed a break to stock up on comestibles and recharge our electorally depleted energies. But, it was not to be.
We first got drawn into the broo ha ha over the missing 360 tons of explosives in Iraq. It seems to us to be a little unfair to blame Dubbya for that. He was only away from his post very very briefly - just long enough to get that medical that he missed 30 years ago.
Then we became intrigued by the string of endorsements from world leaders -well, two of them - for Dubbya. Dubbya's buddy Vladimir took time out from the hard work of crushing Chechnyans to plunk himself squarely in Dubbya's corner. And, the 'moooooolahs' of Iran (that's mulahs in Dubbya-speak) expressed their preference for Dubbya (bet Karl Rove et al were really, really thrilled with that).
While Ariel the Thug in Thug's clothing has been scrupulous in public not to take sides, in private he and his circle of Thuglets have been telling everyone who will listen - and those who won't - that Dubbya is the best friend Israel has ever had.....
YIKES!!! All that seems to be missing is a videotape of OBL (subject to a four month verification of authenticity by the CIA) expressing a preference......
It did get us thinking. If the world could vote, what would the results look like? So, of course we consulted, where voters from every country in the world can vote now and up until election time.
Judging by results to date, Ta-Ray-Za can have a Heinz 57 variety jumbo jet of Pratesi linens delivered to the White House this week.
Dubbya has a lead in only one country in the world - Niger. Yes, folks the Niger of Yellowcake and flawed intelligence dossiers on Iraq.
Of some comfort to the Bush campaign (well, they don't need to pass any global test so they probably aren't paying attention) is that there are still countries where he and His Hairness are in a statistical tie. Countries like Antarctica (are there people there or do penguins now have the vote?), Azerbaijan, Afghanistan (see George, give these guys democracy and see how they repay you?), Iraq (it's not too late to release Saddam and have an Oprah OOOOPS moment and move on) Comoros, Nirie (no we have no idea where that is), and Tajekau (pass the atlas please). Of course Pitcairn, which also has His Hairness and Dubbya in a statistical tie has this teeny weeny propblem that virtually the entire male population just were convicted of rape and will probably, as felons, have their votes nullified.
Brazil, possibly anticipating having someone in the White House who can speak to them in Portuguese, currently have his Hairness leading the battered Bush by 91%. Gosh, Dubbya doesn't give you grief over chopping down your rainforests so doesn't anyone down there want to cut the guy some slack?
TT internationalists who wish to vote in their country or just peruse the the races in the the Marshall or Turks and Caicos islands should