We expect that the Swift boats have been safely, if temporarily, moored and The Candidates are busy sharpening their talons.
Tonight, Dubbya and Howard Dean Lite (oops, we mean John Kerry a/k/a His Hairness) square off in the first Presidential debate. We really just watch these things for the 'surprises'. Will Dubbya try and sneak in an unauthorized pencil? Will His Hairness manage to get through 90 minutes without overusing the word 'panoply'? We think a dozen ' panoply's in 90 minutes is quite sufficient, John.
Frankly, we have virtually no memory of the 2000 debates except Al Gore rolling his eyes, sighing and groaning and that 'lockboxes' figured prominently. We cannot quite recall what those 'lockboxes' were to be used for but we do know they were important.
We know they will both wear navy blue suits but will they both wear red ties? We are loading up on munchables in anticipation. At least it means 90 minutes when we will not have to watch the latest horrid tape of the caged and shackled British hostage (and his extended family) pleading with Tony Bush to intervene and save him from the beheadings meeted out two weeks ago to his American flat mates. The Bad Guys even distribute the tapes complete with their own 'Mission Accomplished'-type banner and Corporate Jihad Inc Logo.
We certainly hope those annoying 'undecided' voters pay attention. We don't actually think there are any undecided voters - just some very canny attention seekers who pretend to be undecided so they can get all the attention of the candidates, the media , the pollsters and the pundits. But, on the off chance that there are a few undecideds, snap out of it. Get with the programme or risk being interned in Florida which will be hermitically sealed off and your votes will count for naught!!!!
TT hopes for, but does not expect, to hear hard answers to hard questions. Dubbya, did your guys fake the CBS National Guard documents and run the Mother of All Stings on Dan Rather? Come on, fess up. If you did, we won't think you are as dopey as you seem. And, His Hairness, how come you are looking so ...well, Orange these days? Is it just a malfunction of our colour settings? Tanning gel run amok? If Ta-Ray-Za can reveal her botox secrets, then surely you owe us the same candor?
Of course, there is always the possibility that His Hairness, who seems to have morphed into a Taller, Less Angry Howard Dean Lite, will explain to us just how his way forward in Iraq is different from Dubbya's. Sorry but you have nuanced us into a stupor.
There is always the comfort that once the 90 minute style battle is over, we can return to some substance. There is the 'Pelosi - Hampton's Murder Trial' getting underway, the Scott Peterson trial entering its denouement, Ms Spears' latest marriage to track, Ta-Ray-Za's tax returns to ferret out and the one that has us really intrigued - unsealing the divorce papers of His Hairness and, of equal importance, the papers from His Hairness' annulment (the one he got AFTER his divorce a la Kennedy even after 18 years of marriage and two kids).
In the interim - pass the popcorn, adjust the colour controls and wait for the commentary on Comedy Central's Daily Show.