Thank goodness it's over.
With PT 109 Boats (oops, we mean Swift Boats) delivering His Hairness to the salivating Democratic faithful, we were at the point where frankly there didn't seem enough liquid libation or carb-laden salty snacks to counter the onslaught.
We get it. We get it.
His Hairness served honourably in Vietnam (did ANYTHING happen to this man in the last 30 years?), we know he was awarded Purple, Green and Blue Hearts (lots and lots of them)..We know there are lots of ex Admirals and Generals who think His Hairness is up to the task (are there any left in Iraq or Washington for that matter?). We know his blended family is harmonious(come on, tell us about the first wife and the rivalries between the step-siblilngs). We know the VP wannabe has cute kids and celebrates his wedding anniversary at Wendy's(YIKES) It's ALMOST enough to make us hanker for George.
Vietnam hasn't had this much attention in - well, in a long time. Kind of nice to see some of those vets get a bit of time in the sun - when they can elbow His Hairness out of the way. To be sure we were fully up to date and well informed about Vietnam we went to the definitive source, The CIA FACTBOOK.
Before we even hit Vietnam we got stopped at 'Afghanistan' where we noticed that the government was listed as being ' in transition' - guess that helps cover a host of developments. Does President Karzai know?
We actually never quite got to Vietnam as we got too caught up in the Iraq entry where we noticed that virtually every entry is listed as 'transitional'. We aren't too sure how this is different from being 'in transition' but we are sure the CIA knows what the distinction is.
The Constitution, Legal System, Political Pressure Groups ( political pressure groups? would that be the ones with the AK- 47s?) etc etc etc are all listed as being in transition.
More peculair are the listings for Population Below the Poverty Line, Labour Force by Occupation etc for which the entries are simply N/A (non-applicable). Hmm. Would that be because everyone is below the poverty line and no one is working?
Then, as TT got distracted by His Hairness' 400th mention of the word 'strength'(ok, ok so it was only 17) we were particularly taken by the CIA's Iraq entry for International Organizations ,under which they have listed WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and the WTO (World Trade Organization). Are these guys for real? WIPO? the WTO? And just what would these organizations be doing in Iraq and, where on earth are they doing it?
At about the time the requisite balloons began to fall, we honed in on the section on Government and noted that, according to the CIA, sovereignty in Iraq is to be turned over to the Iraqi people in July 2004!! No comment. Maybe the CIA is too busy checking its sources to have noticed the June hand over.....
TT never did quite get to the Vietnam section of the CIA Factbook but for those who want to update themselves on Iraq and have the patience to get to the Vs CLICK HERE ON 'WE ARE THE CIA AND ALL-KNOWING AND ALL-SEEING.