Looks to us like the Bushies are a tad stressed out.
Wolfowitz goes on a rant about how Iraq-based journalists are cowards and the taciturn Vice President did the unthinkable - he told a Vermont Senator to 'go f--- yourself' (GASP!)...on the floor of the Senate!! (TT has made an editorial decision not to print the word and risk getting caught up in those programmes that filter out the salacious and obscene, possibly preventing TT devotees from accessing their dose of TT wisdom).
All in a twitter, the fourth estate reported on the Veeps meltdown modestly. Most, including the New York Times, referred to it as 'an expletive', or ' the F word',, or even ' go F--- yourself' (blush).
Only the Washington Post (that we know of) actually printed the 'go f--- yourself' in its splendid entirety. It then proceeded to print a tortured piece on their policy on printing the word 'F---'. Only when it is 'newsworthy' and 'essential for readers' full comprehenson'!! Presumably the editors feared readers might confuse this F word and think the veep said, ' Go Fox Yourself'. Glad they cleared that up for us.
What we do not understand is why Cheney chose to talk trash rather than tap into a clearly lucrative market and try to sell it like a couple of enterprising 'artistes'.
As if New York didn't have enough indigenous trash, it seems they have had to import it.
Two French (gutsy for the French to try selling anything to Americans these days) photographers have spent 15 years collecting and photographing the trash of the celebs and stars. You have to admit, 15 years of trash trolling shows a certain dedication to the arts, we doubt TT could have maintained an interest longer than four or five years!!
Photographs of their dedication are now on disply in a New York gallery and are for sale at $6000 a pop. (NOTE; Limited edition photos of TTs trash are available for $5999 at
An exhibit of historical significance, we learn from the trash photos that Tom Cruise needs nose hair clipppers (we have long suspected that), Marlon Brando has an unheallthy appetite for Hebrew National quarter pound jumbo hot dogs,
Stephen Spielberg reads TV Guide and People magazine and someone in the Reagan household (we don't think its the Gipper) threw away what is possibly the world's teeny weeniest bra ever!! Madonna has her dog on a low fat diet but apparently feeds the kids sugar laden Cocao Pebbles cereal. We were a tad horrified to see that Jack Nicholson seems to eat Lunchables (we aren't going to mention the jello boxes) but at least he seems to do it with fine French champagne. Most intirguing is the sudden removal of one trash photo from the exhibit - that of Larry King. Seems the photo contained a shot of a discarded Depends package (for adult incontinence). We are sure they probably are those of his 68 year younger wife but the photo has been carted away and hidden wherever naughty pictures are stored (and sold for 20 times the original price).
As for TT, we have developed a new sensitivity to what we throw away. We are currently perparing a trash bag filled with items we believe to be consistent with our image: empty Vogne Romanee bottles, fresh foie gras packs, beluga caviar tins, a few Armani , Tiffany and Bulgari boxes as well as a random assortment of matchbook covers from six star hotels and spas around the world. May we suggest TT readers follow our lead....