TT has gleaned some interesting factoids while reading,'IQ and the Wealth of Nations' (OK, OK, so we didn't actually read it but we did look at a couple of charts).
Anyway, the tabloids don't come out till Tuesday so sometimes we get a bit desperate!!
Written by Professors from the Universities of Ulster (guess they can use some serious diversion around there), Tampre (we have no idea where it is but suspect it isn't an Ivy), and Helsinki (those 11 month winters will do strange things to your mind), IQ makes the case for a correlation between national average IQs and a nation's wealth and economic prospertiy. There are the 'smartie countries', lead by the Asian tigers, whose average IQs are the highest--eg. Hong Kong (107), South Korea (106), Japan (105), Taiwan and Singapore (104).
And, at the other end of the spectrum, sits Equatorial Guinea with an average IQ of 59. Oh dear!
For those who MUST know, the USA registers an average IQ of 98, after Germany, Britain, Switzerland and the Netherlands - among others - and ahead of Canada (97),the country mouse, by a whisker.
Actually, what really interested us were the individual US State IQs and how all those Baby Einsteins voted in the 2000 Presidential election.
An in depth analysis by gaggles of nerds makes it abundantly clear that Democrats are smarter than Republicans (a bit of a no brainer but certainly open to question as to just how smart it was to vote for a guy who is now running a cable tv channel for kids ---with programming provided by Canada , yawn). But, the conclusions are clear. The States with the highest average IQs voted for Gore. (eg. Connecticut 113, Massachussetts 111 (all those Harvard and MIT types), New Jersey 111, New York 109, Hawaii 106 and Illinois 104.
The States with (hmmm. is there another way of saying worst/lowest/dumbest?) more modest average IQs, voted for Dubbya. Eg. Alabama, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma and South Dakota all at 90, South Carolina and Wyoming at 89 and Mississippi at the very bottom of the barrel at 85.
We are NOT going to mention Utah, though. We KNOW people in Utah and think there must be an error in the Utah score (87, just a sliver ahead of Mississippi). The people we know certainly have scores of 90, and one Utah dog we know has an IQ at least double that (this dog goes to a doggie spa while her owners throw themselves around in a raft on raging rivers, lugging their own toilet....enough said about the relative IQs??. NO, we are not going to mention Utah! We wouldn't want to embarass our friends - there has obviously been an error.
TT readers interested in checking out their State's IQ can do so
BY CLICKING HERE ON UTAH BEATS MISSISSIPPI - JUST. Unless of course you live in a State that voted for Dubbya, in which case the answers may be a bit depressing and you may just want to skip the whole thing - or move!!!!
Contributions to the IQ CRISIS IN UTAH FUND can be sent, in any currency, to TT at . Funds will be used to ensure every household gets a copy of the National Enquirer every week --then just watch what happens in November!!!!!