The Sinclair Broadcast Group has apparently ordered its 7 ABC stations not to broadcast tonight's edition of Ted Koppel's 'Nightline'.
Koppel is planning to read the names and show the photos of the 533 Americans who have been killed in 'hostile actions' in Iraq. Sinclair says the programme is politically motivated and will 'undermine' the troops in Iraq.
Oh, really??? Do they really think those guys are sitting around watching 'Nightline'? TT suspects this has more to do with Pentagon and White House concern about undermining support for the current administration.
We are, however, perplexed by the Nightline plan. How come only the names of those 533 who died as a result of' hostile actions'? What about the 204 who have died there in accidents or the ominous 'other' circumstances (read that suicide)??
If they were there serving their country, who are these news producers to draw a line between those deaths that qualify for airtime and those that don't??? Are they going to further break down the 'deserving' to those killed by friendly fire, those who died bravely, those who died through their own stupidity or carelessness??
And, why now? What about those killed tomorrow morning and beyond? Will there be a Nightline Supplement? Reminding us of the names and faces behind the stats is important but lets not draw too many lines. They all merit recognition.
And what about Afghanistan? Presumably NFL footballer Tillman, who had been to Iraq but was killed in Afghanistan last week will not be named? Will these folks get their own segment? When? Why separate them at all? Is it tacit admission of America's Attention Disorder --out of sight out of mind?
Sinclair Broadcasting should be reminded that the democratic ideals that presumably are part of what this war is about ,includes freedom of the press . And, Koppel and crew need to go back to the drawing board and re-think their approach. Those who died, Iraq or Afghanistan -wherever and however, deserve as much.
ADDENDUM: Koppel's show, when finally aired, DID in fact mention all 737 who have died to date in Iraq, dropping the distinction between those that died as a consequence of hostile acts and those that died as a result of accident or 'other' means. If only EVERYONE paid as much attention to TT. As for Sinclair Broadcasting -- jerks who deserve whatever backlash comes their way.