Even in a Post-New- Year- Mellow, TT is not one to shy away from the tough decisions.
Would we rather eat a beefburger or take BA Flight 223 from Heathrow to Washington's Dulles airport (that is if Flight 223 isn't retired like some athlete's jersey and reincarnated, half an hour later as Flight 446)?
By all accounts, we have at least four Air France-Los Angeles flights canceled, an Air France flight diverted to Newfoundland,two AeroMexico flights either turned back or cancelled, a BA flight cordoned off on arrival (with jet fighter escort) in Washington and 'suspicious' passengers questioned before all passengers and baggage were eventually released....
We have "numerous" flights being "escorted" to their destination airports in the US by F-16 fighter jets. Right.....
"Escort" makes it sound almost friendly!
But we all know that about the only reason for such an "escort" is to shoot the plane out of the sky - if someone deems it necessary. Having a fighter jet "escort" my flight to an airport would not figure in TTs list of anxiety lowering experiences!
What on earth is going on? ? Is there some kind of run on frequent flyer points for "suspicious" persons?
So far, the " intelligence" that led to the original Air France cancellations has netted a dozen names of passengers which were "apparently" " similar" to those on a US government terrorist watch list. APPARENTLY? Well, were they or weren't they on a watch list?
SIMILAR? Does that mean they started with the same letter? Surely we aren't cancelling flights and calling out the F-16s for SIMILAR???? (The FBI have now acknowledged that errors were made with the Air France flights due to spelling and similarities between Arabic names!! Huh??? We think this is important enough to get it RIGHT the first time!)
Presumably, spelling errors notwithstanding, the French and other authorities have a copy of this terrorist watch list and even the French surely would have picked up these passengers names in a simple cross check, wouldn't they? Or is this some sort of secret terrorist watch list that only the Americans are allowed access ?? At least the French seem to be able to spell. Hmmmm.
Of course now we know that one of the seven "suspicious" people was an elderly Chinese woman restraunteur another, an infant whose name SOUNDED like the name of someone on the famous terrorist watch list and a third was a Welsh insurance agent. But hey, terrorists are getting younger and younger and who is to say that there is no such thing as an ancient wizened terrorist. As for those Welsh insurance agents, well we think ALL insurance agents are suspect!
Curious though how not one person has even been detained, not one weapon found, not one suspicious piece of cargo or luggage retrieved from any of these flights........
We are as concerned as the next person about our safety in the air but TT cannot help but be just a teeny bit suspicious about all this "intelligence" which seems to be coming from the same sources that nailed down those mega piles of WMDs in Iraq, missed the Sept 11 terror attack, cannot find Osama and took eight months to find Saddam etc etc etc. Forgive us for being monumentally uderwhelmed and unimpressed.
Apparantly, when it comes to the beleagured Flight 223 (BA London to Dulles) and its sister Flight 224(BA Dulles-London , also cancelled two days running), the "chatterers" have been explicit about the airline and flight numbers. Hmmmm.
But, could someone tell us how US intelligence can be so sure that the British Airways Flight references aren't code for Virgin (another British airline) Flight 332 or 323 or 322 or........ the possibilities are endless we think!
Is the problem the airline?then any flight is suspect, surely.
Is the problem the flight number? (223 is the number of a 1997 UN resolution attacking the Israeli treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories). Then surely all UN resolutions attacking Isreali treatment of Palestinians need to be matched against flight numbers?
Is the problem the destination? Then why arent all BA flights to Washinton being halted? (Two other flights have been making the trek daily and other airlines are flying out of Heathrow to Washington).
Is the problem the passengers? Then how come they are all being popped on to other flights??
And, what if this is all deliberate misinformation (yes, shock shock - not impossible, we say). Cancelled Flights, Cordonoed off planes with passangers interrogated for hours before release, planes diverted due to possible bomb on board, fighter jets "escorting" their 'prey' to base, armed sky marshals........isn't going to do a lot for the travel industry or wary travellers. Who needs it???
After pondering the big question, a beefburger or hop on a jet??? The answer is a no-brainer - we will catch a flight ------and grab a burger before departing. !!!
For TT readers who are so mellow they have missed the various travails of the terrorist threat in the skies you can