Just as TT sits down to enjoy a tasty(cholesterol laden) English breakfast and troll the newspaper for important (or unimportant) news, we were confronted with the news to end all breakfasts - Fast!
It would seem that those food-unfriendly sparks at the FDA have "tentatively" concluded that meat and milk (and presumably eggs and butter too) from cloned animals are safe to eat and (mega-yikes) would require little regulation and no labelling!!
Are we supposed to take comfort in the fact that "grossly abnormal" animals would be rejected as sources of milk or meat? We certainly feel a lot better knowing our bacon or eggs or milk can come from only SLIGHTLY abnormal clones!!! Of course the FDA admits that its conclusions are based on little data (sure, why wait for the facts!!) and would only apply to clones of 'conventional' animals (not the clones of genetically modified animals). Now, THAT is a relief!
It seems that in mid-2001 the FDA asked cloning companies to "voluntarily" keep milk and meat from clones, and the offspring of clones, off the market. EEEEEEK. Now, we don't know what confidence level TT readers have in "voluntary" agreements but TT has never seen a 'voluntary' agreement that you couldn't fly a 747 jumbo jet through.(I think I will take my coffee black today!)
The FDA will be seeking comment in the spring but TT doesnt need to wait for spring (and all those newly cloned animals).
YUK!!!! The only thing we think should be cloned is TT!
Hold the eggs, bacon, milk, butter and sausage please - just give us a bowl of organic berries (sans milk or cream of course). TT readers who missed this little nugget can CLICKon F.D.A. CALLS CLONED ANIMALS SAFE FOR FOOD!
How is TT supposed to focus on the important stuff (ice sculptures that spew vodka from anatomically correct apendages, Lacey Peterson's hair in Scott's pliars, David Gest's battle with himself.......) when the newspapers are full of this nonsense??? Bring on the Designer Liquid Libations - at least cloning that might have some appeal to TT.......