When it comes to assessing America's views on the war in Iraquistan, TT ignores the polls.
In the bastion of free enterprise, TT thinks the market place is still the best barometer of what 'the masses' are thinking. Remember the famous deck of cards - now with a few cards missing? Well,, producer of the only 'registered' Iraqi cards distributed to the Coalition of the Willing, Cajoled and Coerced, is now selling on line for only $5.95 (reduced from $6.95) and the e-Bay auctions (for those that didn't know they could just buy them from the company that makes them) have slowed to a dribble.
Clearly, the American public is quickly losing interest (of course, they never even got the Afgahnistan cards to market,- so fleeting was the interest in that little hornet's nest).
But, the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well. Already, one can now buy playing cards of the California Recall Candidates (ya, there are too many to fit on one deck so the jokers are jammed with the names of the more 'peripheral' candidates- like Beige Davis.)
As a sterling example of Hillary's ability to engender certain emotions, is selling a deck of Hillary cards at $14.95. It features a remarkable array of some of Hillary's most notable quotes and perhaps the most unflattering collection of photos ever assembled of a single person.CHECK OUT THE 10 OF SPADES BY CLICKING HERE.
And, if this rubs your political stripes the wrong way you can now go to the producers of Battlestar Galactica, Nitestar Productions, and pick up a deck featuring the likes of Dick Cheney and Anne Coulter. Maybe sales of these could be used to defray the $87 (for now) billion price tag for 'rebuilding' Iraq?
In the interim, TT is planning to launch our own deck of cards, featuring TT in a variety of flattering poses (dim lighting and candlelight features prominently). TT readers will be able to purchase advance copies (they will make a lovely gift for the holiday season) for the low, low price of $44.85. We figure TT is worth at least three times what Hillary is worth!!
Advance orders can be placed (and, if you must, readers' views can be expressed) by contacting We do not expect these cards to be available it this special deep discount price for long, so be sure and place your orders early!!