Well, who would have thought that group sex was going to be a campaign issue? Not even TT would have predicted that one.
On the other hand, it is California where just about everyone except TT is running for Governor. We understand that Jimmy Hoffa may make a bid from beyond the grave, rounding out a sterling field of wannabees.
We guess we shouldn't be surprised that group sex has reared its seamy little head, we have had cyclical adultery, oval office trysts, sexual ambiguity issues, "illegitimate" children etc etc so we must be just about due for a group sex issue.
As 'Ahhhhnold', the Terminator tried to bond with 'the people' (Ahhhnold talks like he isn't one of those great unwashed folks he seeks to represent), the media was in a frenzy over a 1977 interview that Schwarnzenegger gave to Oui magazine.
Now, just what folks expected to find in a Oui interview is hard to fathom. Even TT knows Oui is not Harpers, the New Yorker or the Atlantic Monthly. We don't even know if Oui is still around but one thing we can be sure of is that this will be the first time in the recorded history of 'skin' magazines that anyone has ever read one of the articles.
In fact, more people have now probably read the 'group sex' article (now almost 30 years old) in the last 24 hours than have ever bought, seen or wanted to buy the slightly less than mainstream publication (did they even have group sex 30 years ago? we thought that was only invented in the mid 80's).
In the article, 'Ahhhnold' punctuates his comments with copulatory expletives but we aren't sure that Oui's 'lookership' (not at all the same thing as readership) cares or expects anything different. Maybe if he had done the interview with Time, it might be news.
The media frenzy has seized on 'Ahhhnold's' description of group sex in the world of body builders.He says he did participate but not everyone does - it would seem that some of those oversculpted bods are a bit shy about the muscle that no amount of pumping iron or steroids can enhance.
The Terminator also talks about pre-competition 'release' activities.He said it helped him go out on stage and feel like King Kong and we are only surprised that others are surprised by the revelations. So, body builders are big partyers - wow, who would have thought? Anyway, hardly the exclusive domaine of bodybuilders, we can think of at least a couple of US President's who have utilized similar stress reduction techniques so where is the news here?.
'Ahhhnold' also displays his 'feminist' side, making it quite clear that he can have 'relations' with a woman even if she is on the chunky side (Monica? are you listening) and he doesn't care if she weighs 150 pounds (of course she would need to be 7 feet tall but Ahhnold is an equal opportunity copulator). And, we learn, he never felt exploited by women who wanted him just for his body! Oh, PULEEEZE!
None of these revelations are particularly new but it has given the media(who didn't know there was any such thing as group sex till they found the article) something to run with in the staid, run of the mill election campaign where porn stars, ex-baseball commissioners and just about everybody in California is running for office. Budget deficit? What budget deficit?
Yesterday, the media bombarded the Terminator with questions about the article and what he said about his 'populist' practices. Ahhhnold says he cannot possibly remember an article from 25 or 30 years ago. Entirely possible - but TT thinks WE would remember group sex, even if it was 30 years ago - in fact,maybe even PARTICULARLY if it was 30 years ago and we had four kids.