Turnip Top notes, with mixed emotions, that The Other Senator from New York ( the non-Hillary Senator) has introduced a bill to have the FTC step in to stem the out-of-control SPAM (that's SPAM, not SARS) flooding people's email.
We are told that in 2000, the average email recipient was getting about 700 SPAM communications a year. Today, it is estimated that is more like 2300 SPAMS a year. Hmmm. Someone is getting some of TT's SPAM, that is for sure.
It can now be revealed that TT has several screen names (shock!) and we actually marvel at the differences (and similarities) of the SPAM various screen names receive....unsolicited (honest!!). Indeed, TT enjoys comparing our SPAM mail (although the first rule of SPAM mail is never to open it but they keep sending it anyway!).
We are particularly intrigued by the fact that TT's official screen name and email address (rootvegies@aol.com) gets SPAM (who would have thought there was such a huge industry in providing Russian brides???) even though rootvegies never goes on the web, even to check important developments in the Laci/Scott Peterson case. Who is it that can possibly have determined that TT would be interested in obtaining a Russian bride anyway??? We do like caviar, blinis and Chekhov but...... Now, a Russian husband might offer some interesting potential.
TT's alter ego and clone has recently been receiving a fair bit of SPAM regarding septic tanks. Does someone know something we do not??? Should we be worried? Surely we would not be receiving this stuff if we didn't need it??? And who would have imagined that Viagra could be available from so many different sources??? Of course we never open the SPAM but the SPAMERS now seem to be ready to declare themselves by making sure the subject shows up so you can wear out your finger deleting ....apparently its OK to send junk people aren't interested in receivingand aggravate them.... as long as you declare it as unwanted junk before they open it. Hmmmm.
Well, TT wishes The Other Senator well with his initiative although we cannot help wondering how TT will be made aware of important agricultural events if he is successful. Indeed, notifications regarding "farm animals", " country chicks" and the incredibly quaint, "barnyard exotica" have made us realize that the agricultural sector in this country is a lot more vibrant than we had suspected.Since we never open these near-irresistable enticements, we will never really be able to fully assess the potency of the agricultural sector but we think someone, somewhere thinks TT is an agricultural worker, in search of a Russian bride and with a septic tank that is ready to implode at any second!!!