Turnip Top notes that amid the sobering news coverage of The War, there are welcome flashes of the amusing and even downright funny!!!
For example, just before Dubbya's most recent address to America, the six of us who happened to be watching BBC were treated to 1 minute and 37 seconds of Dubbya's last minute "primping". BBC later apologized but no apologies were necessary for TT. We got a lot of enjoyment out of watching Dubbya getting his face powdered and we thought the way his blush was applied very helpful. We liked the last minute tweaking of the stubborn "tuft" of hair but best of all we were thrilled to see a stray eyebrow hair plucked before our eyes!!! Somehow, it made him seem more "accessible"just knowing that he too has to worry about unruly eyebrow hair.
TT has, of course, watched this new journalistic phenomena unfold - war reports from "embedded" journalists(travelling and attached to a specific military unit). We have been particularly amused to see that for days much of the Arab press (eg. Al Jezeerah) was translating this as "journalists who are in bed with the military". Hmmm. Translation error or have they figured out something the rest of us have been slow to pick up on.
For maximum amusement, TT can always count on VIctoria Clark's wardrobe. The Pentagon spokeswoman's most recent briefing apparently left a number of journalists hospitalized due to the blinding vision of her latest fashion statement. Words, for once, fail TT. It's just one of those things you have to experience for yourself. Think Pepto-Bismol Pink which has been neonized!! There she was, sleeveless "flack jacket" syle hot-pink Pepto Bismol jacket, over black sweater with flamingo pink horizontal stripes across the body. Words cannot do justice. Now, TT acknowledges that there really isn't a Geneva Convention of Fashion for war briefings. And, goodness knows we would not expect to see her shrouded in black for the duration of the war. But, we hadn't realized that "shock and awe" meant Virginia's outfits.
TT thinks that the military might want to consider using Virginia as a secret weapon and shipping her to the Iraqis, except that is probably a violation of some aspect of the Geneva Convention. Pity. We can imagine this provoking the mass surrender that the Pentagon has been waiting for.