Leichtenstein is for rent!!
Yes, this tiny bastion of free enterprise can be rented (all 60 square miles) by corporations for marketing purposes. Corporate logos can be spattered throughout the tiny nation. Only the Royal Family is off limits.
Turnip Top is considering rentng Leichtenstein for its first annual Turnip Top Readers Romp (TTRR).
It occurs to us though, that these Leichtensteinese have the key to resolving the Axis of Evil problem and doing so simultaneously and without bombs.
North Korea needs hard currency so why not rent itself out to corporate America (or Britain, or France or....). Nike could rent North Korea, decorate its missiles with the Nike slash and get a mountain of publicity. Or, one can easilly imagine those same missiles or plutonium plants painted American Express Green (Dont Leave Home Without It).
Fortune 500 companies could take turns renting Iraq until everyone is satisfied that Iraq is free of whatever it is they are supposed to be without. We see Golden Arches over Presidential Palaces and Ronald McD roaming the streets of Baghdad. Similarly, Coca Cola could rent Iran and so on and so on.
The beauty of the concept is that it can be expanded should, at any time, the Axis become the Quadrangle of Evil. In the meantime, Leichtenstein is up for grabs and TT, for one .can hardly wait to plaster that miniature country with bold TT logos, t shirts and umbrellas.
NOTE: Readers who insist on commenting can do so directly to TurnipTop or one of her clones (thanks to the Raelians and Dr FFF) at rootvegies@aol.com