Turnip Top's crackerjack analysts are still sifting through the reaction to "Dubbya's" State of the Galaxy Address (mmmmmm, is that Chassagne Montrachet????)
Little surprising in the reactions, we find (ooooooh, this Brie is just "au point"). Some found elements of the remarks "scary" but Turnip Top is compelled to disagree. What is really scary is the knowledge that had some nefarious foreign power (this foie gras is divine) managed to blow up the entire building, John Ashcroft would now be President (well, perhaps just a splash more....what year did you say this was?)
Turnip Top is fascinated by the degree to which the reactions, almost without exeption, reflected and solidified previously held views. The French (hmmm, this baguette goes so well with the Brie) continue to press for further pursuit of so-called diplomatic options. Now, TT thinks this is worth considering (yum, what oil are you using for those "frites"??).
France has, of course, a sterling reputation in the area of international diplomatic leadership (TT likes to think of it as the Chanel Strategy)
Just look at the recent success the French have had in brokering an end to the civil war in the Ivory Coast......
Now, TT acknowledges that there have been a few glitches...people killed in rioting, churches and mosques burned. But TT is convinced that once the Chanel Strategy is fully played out, the French will be vindicated (this creme brulee is scrumptious!!).
Dubbya stated that post-invasion, America would bring food and medicines to the Iraqi people but PULEEEEZE.Would you rather be airlifted emergency rations of cassoulet and a good Vogne Romanee OR Dorittos and Tang??? Would you rather get an airlift of thin woolen blankets OR a chic Chanel jacket? TT thinks its a no-brainer.
The CIA should stop wasting its time emailing Iraqi generals, encouraging them to defy and revold. Yawn. TT says ....send in the Chanel suits, foie gras and fresh baguettes and just watch diplomacy work.